Thursday, 8 February 2018

These Victims, Why Are They So Loud?

By Adaora Orajuba
Edited by Juwah C.A.

In the past month — due to numerous reveals (AGAIN) relating to sexual harassment and assault in Hollywood — I’ve read a number of questionable opinions, advice and thoughts via twitter, Instagram and so many other online platforms, and although shared by various people whom I don’t even know, these thoughts, advice and opinions seem to converge at some point — the point of victim blaming. 

It comes across to me that most of these, I’m going to call them, Good Fellas, did not do much, if at all any, critical analysis on the behavior of actual suspected culprits, the men. These free advice givers and 'thoughtful opinionists', I have discovered, are a mixture of members from team #NotAllMen and Good Girls Are Safe. 

Now, one branch of the Good Fellas (including Mayim Balik. Chei) just drops tips for young women on how to survive in any space and you may wonder, "survive"? Ah yes, because in 2018 young women are still being cloaked with the cape of prey; they are not to live, they are to survive. All because of preying men? Wonderful! 

In no particular order, here are the tips:

·    Don’t party with men! Good, just attend parties tagged ‘Sistaz only’!
·  Don’t drink when men are around! You can’t trust them not to put stuff in it!
·  Don’t meet up for official appointments with men! Never honor business/work  appointments because you can’t expect them not to make sexual advances!
·  Don’t flirt (back) with men! Don’t shoot any shot in real life! How dare you expect not to be taken advantage of after expressing interest?!
·    Don’t dress to attract: Don’t wear                   revealing/fitting clothes, adulterous red       lipstick, heels, sensuous perfumes, in           fact, don’t be pretty! Yeah, I don’t                 even  know what on earth this                    means. Oh wait! Veiled Yemeni women    who have     been raped must have            shown ankle            skin. 

They go on and on and on, so many tips that they are actually an impractical manual of how to escape sexual harassment and assault. Know what’s easier than expecting men and women to coexist with mutual love and respect? Answer: women not being on the same planet with men, or at least that's what history is starting to tell us. Women should be on Venus and men on Mars but what we forget, ironically, is that men are not even safe from preying men. Lol.

The other branch of the Good Fellas advises us on the proper way victims should react in the face of assault/harassment. Meaning...if you did not or do not react a certain way, your claims are invalid? They all ramble but here’s a summary of what I read every time:

· Simply tell your harasser/assaulter, "NO!" A good old "NO!" always saves the day.
· Just leave the premises. Run, Forrest! Run!
· Never speak to nor be around them again! Yes, exit the boardroom, firm, industry and       even school, no career is that important.
· You don’t have to report/speak up if it’s not that serious (i.e if you weren’t actually             touched)! Is someone a thief if they didn’t actually take your money after trying to?
· You should have spoken up/reported when it happened, not after 30 years! True, a             murder's sins are washed away after 30 years, without asking for forgiveness.
· Date rape? It was a normal thing back then, boys couldn’t have known better. It was still     the 20th century!
·  Get a life! Move on! Why ruin the career your assaulter has worked so hard for?! These     people are more hurt about their idols being called out for the scum they are. Not one   bit of damn is given for the victims.

So you ask, why are these victims so loud? From the numerous reveals the answer should be clear to most, if not all of you; justice. These victims tell their stories despite the unbelievable stigma that may follow to save the next woman from being just another victim, a statistic to the thoughtful opinionists and others with questionable advice.

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