
Thursday, 28 July 2016


(Image Source)

Bonjour Messieurs et Dames

YES my poem has begun

Today I will be taking you,

Through a COURSE of electrocution

We will begin with air not Heir

For tis about sound, not spelling

Next will be an hour in the ‘ouse of ‘orror,

For all the Honorables fallen in battle

Ask your questions please, never AXE

For the cup of this decades bloodshed is full

Lest we shed more Tears from our eyes,

Not the type o’ Tears to be mend with a stitch

Don’t be bothered by the preyure, No

It’s still only English, no pro’lem

Better yet ask Fareed Zakaria,

Indian Accent, CNN, No need for GPS

26 Letters, 44 Sounds

Why wont my people say Shursh not Church

Who on earth would’a should’a could’a known,

That Fresident of the Federal ReFuvlic sounds with a ‘P’.

But Ten minutes I can guarantee

On BBC or be it SKY

Will cure SCHWA or any maledictions,

No more need for phóné-tic sounds

Fricatives are sure to cause Friction

Just as elocution is sure to be electric

But meaning the ability to transmit

Makes it all the real Electrocution
(Image Source)

Inspired by The Lagos Finishing School's ELOCUTION COURSE while in a Big4!

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! I love it! It's so funny and serious all at once! Keep writing, I really want to read more of this
