
Friday, 21 April 2017


Kratos (Image Source)

There is blood everywhere, there is war somewhere – peace has forever been an elusive existence, only dropping by on the eve of destruction. There is too much being shed on the global scene and children are growing never having known a semblance of serenity.

When you come up against the God of War you should know that resistance is futile, just as dry cloth first resists water but inevitably succumbs to the rain, Ares assuredly comes to claim his victory.

Il y a du sang partout!

The Ghost of Sparta killed his wife&daughter and then sought revenge on his master, Ares, the erstwhile god of war for deceiving him to commit the murder. Kratos exerted his revenge with a hand from Athena and another from the troubles in the Box of Pandora, to became the God of War! The Ghost of Sparta’s was an existence of revenge and seeking freedom: from his Ascension to the Chains of Olympus, from Betrayal to his Rise as The Warrior, blood followed Kratos and not even the cities of Attica were spared.
God of raW: Bashar Al-Assad?

The Syrian civil war has been described by sources including Aljazeera as “the deadliest conflict the 21st century has witnessed so far”. Resentment driven by “lack of Freedom”, economic strife and outrage from the “crackdown” on Syrians bringing the Arab Spring through the Southern City of Deraa are reportedly the blades that slit the first wrists. The bloodshed rages, six years on and Russia, America, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia have turned Syria into a proxy battlefield. These members of the international community, amongst others, have had a hand in death of “more than 465,000 Syrians” and in making “over 12 million Syrians” homeless in their own home.

Peace talks and Geneva conventions have crashed and burnt while “one of the largest exoduses”, according to BBC, in the modern era unfolds. From Aleppo and Deir Az Zor to Damascus, the situation in Syria is sad and disgraceful. Let us forget who is to blame but remember that two wrongs do not make a right and three certainly make no sense.

About half of Syria’s refugees are children, “2.4 million”, and so my wonder is who or what the Sunni and Shia Alawite are fighting for. Tomorrow should always to be for the children and the time for this aging generation to live the high life is gone. The goal of the day should be a better tomorrow, for the children of today to live in peace and for us, when we are weak and frail, that there may be the calm and resources for our care.

Elements of tomorrow are in the air, but you need to understand the chemistry. Reports have it that the ‘chemical weapons’ red line has been crossed, this has now truly gone beyond mortal warfare.

Bashar Al-Assad: God of War?
Bashar Al-Assad (Image Source)
